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Your piece should fit into (at least) one of these categories.

Destinations and Itineraries : Where to go and what to do there. Special insights for women travelers. Itineraries to support spiritual travel on your next trip.
Travel Tips : Spiritual religions and travel (mental, physical, emotional). Product reviews and comparisons. Help with travel challenges , based on personal experience.

Some writing tips :
  • Posts must be at least 750 words and no longer than 2,500 words.
  • Be authentic, honest, and real.
  • Write with short paragraphs and concise sentences.
  • Write how you talk!
Payment & perks :
Bhaktaniwas.com offers a flat payment of $10 USD to our writers for each piece, once it is accepted, submitted and edited ON TIME, and published at bhaktaniwas.com.

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